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QBMIDI(TM) Library Overview
S H A R E W A R E V E R S I O N 1 . 0
Developed by:
AskUs! Technology Specialists
PO Box 737
Bountiful, UT 84011-0737
QBMIDI is a Trademark of AskUs! Technology Specialists
(c) 1990 AskUs. All rights reserved.
Hello and welcome to QBMIDI. If you use MIDI and you program using
Microsoft QuickBASIC or BASIC PDS, then we're confident you'll love the
QBMIDI library, since it gives you to access and control your MIDI'ed
instruments using simple QuickBASIC compatible calls. QBMIDI V1.0 is a
fully functional library of utilities that provide you with access to
all of your MIDI instruments connected through a Roland MPU401 or
compatible MIDI interface. You can play your instruments via QuickBASIC
as well as receive MIDI information and send MIDI commands to your MIDI'ed
instruments. It's simple, fast, and best of all ... you'll be in
control of your MIDI instruments!
Included with this document file (QBMIDI.DOC), you'll find the following
related files:
QBM-DEM1.BAS Initial demonstration program that features a few
simple MIDI commands and general starting place
to view source examples of QBMIDI's use.
QBM-DEM2.BAS A demonstration program that generates music based
constraints you provide. Not only does it show
working examples of your computer controlling your
MIDI instruments, it's interesting to hear the
sounds created. We invite you to add functions and
modify both of the demo programs to suit your needs.
QBM-DEM3.BAS A simple keyboard split program.
QBMIDI.QLB A QuickBASIC 4.5 environment QuickLibrary that
provides you access to QBMIDI functions from within
the QuickBASIC programming environment (QB.EXE).
QBMIDI.LIB A linkable library suitable for linking to your
result .EXE programs. Once linked, the QBMIDI calls
you use become an integral part of your compiled
QBMIDI.ORD Order information for the advanced MUSICIANS QBMIDI
V2.0 which contains numerous advanced MIDI functions
that are not included with this Shareware version.
-------------- ---------------------------------------------
CALL SeeIfMPUExists(Found) If Midi Controller (MPU401) or compatible
is found in your system
CALL ResetMpu Resets the MPU to power on state
CALL SetDataInStopMode Turns off some of the MPU's intelligence
you'll be controlling it via QuickBASIC
CALL PlayNote(Note, Velocity) Plays a Note, striking it as you would from
a keyboard with different strike velocities,
or turns off a note currently playing
CALL AllNotesOff All notes off currently playing turned off
CALL ChangePatchTo (NewPatch) Change the patch (voice) currently in use
to New Patch
CALL ReceiveMidiData(Value) Receive any midi data that may be coming
in. It listens to MIDI being sent back.
CALL OmniModeOn Turn on Omni, where all MIDI data will be
played by all synthesizer channels.
CALL OmniModeOff Set Omni Off, where MIDI channel data is
only received by the synthesizer's channel
CALL SetToPolyMode Set multi-voice mode
CALL SetToMonoMode Set to Mono-voice mode
The demo programs make use of all functions found in QBMIDI 1.0, and
describe usage within the source code of the demo programs. We encourage
experimentation with the demo programs to gain a better understanding while
having some fun.
For new programmers, like we were at one time,we've tried to aim our examples
at your level. QuickBASIC's library and sub functions can be somewhat tricky
at first, so we've listed what you should type to get the libraries loaded
and running. If you're a pro at QuickBASIC please excuse the lengthy
descriptions, as we want everyone to get to make music as fast as possible
with the least amount of problems.
Two libraries are provided with QBMIDI, one called QBMIDI.QLB (the Quick
Library) and QBMIDI.LIB (the Linkable library). When working within the
QuickBASIC programming environment (ie. using QB.EXE), you have the option
to load a QuickLibrary at the time you start QB.EXE. We make use of this
feature to enables you to use all of QBMIDI call routines while debugging
your programs.
To start QuickBASIC with QBMIDI library functions available you would type
the following:
QB /L QBMIDI <Enter>
Note: The file QBMIDI.QLB should be placed in the same directory with your
other QB library files (typically the same directory where the file
QB.EXE is found). You may also start QB.EXE with QBMIDI by adding
the pathname where to find QBMIDI.QLB (ie. QB /L Pathname\QBMIDI)
If when starting QB.EXE you receive this error message:
Cannot find file (QBMIDI.QLB). Input path:
you may type in a new path name, but we recommend control ^C and re-entering
a correct pathname from startup. By doing this now, you'll save time when
compiling your programs to .EXE executable's.
If you are greeted with the Microsoft QuickBASIC environment, without seeing
any error messages, you can assume that QBMIDI.QLB was loaded and its
functions are available. For some reason QuickBASIC doesn't tell you what
library is loaded of if the load went OK so we just say no news is good news.
To use any of the QBMIDI commands, you simply call the command as you would
a local SUB function. Don't worry if you don't know how to use SUB's since
QBMIDI does not use the SUB capabilities, but is merely called like one.
For example:
Any good midi program should first check to see if an MPU401 controller
is present, connected, and ready for data. To find out we use the
QBMIDI SeeIfMPUExists command. The full QuickBASIC call syntax is:
CALL SeeIfMPUExists(Found)
When run, the QBMIDI.QLB library function named SeeIfMPUExists is called and
returns a value in the variable called Found. SeeIfMPUExists returns the
value of zero (0) for no MPU found and -1 indicating an MPU was located.
NOTE: If you receive the message Subprogram Not Found, this indicates you've
not loaded QB using the /L option. See the examples above and restart QB.EXE.
Each QBMIDI command functions in this same way, with one exception. Some
commands require that you set the variables values before calling. For
If playing a note, we us the PlayNote command with the following
Note=60 'Middle C
Velocity = 64 'Moderate strike velocity
CALL PlayNote (Note,Velocity) 'Use QBMIDI playnote to play
In the above example, the values were set before calling the routine. The
following table lists the QBMIDI command and a quick description of how it
is used.
-------------- ---------------------------------------------
CALL SeeIfMPUExists(Found) Found = 0 if no MPU is found
Found = -1 if MPU is found and ready
CALL ResetMpu Resets the MPU to power on state. No variable
is given or returned. Use sparingly to reset
MPU if another program modifies it. This will
not stop notes in play. Use AllNotesOff.
CALL SetDataInStopMode Turns off some of the MPU's intelligence.
No variable is sent or returned.
Note = n Note to play. Range 0 to 127 where 60=Middle C
Velocity = n Strike velocity. Range 0 to 127 where 1=soft
127=hardest, and 0= turn note off.
CALL PlayNote(Note, Velocity) Plays a Note, passes variables Note, Velocity
To turn note off, pass note number with the
velocity set at zero (0). Note and velocity
variables are left unchanged after call.
CALL AllNotesOff All notes off currently playing turned off.
No variable is sent or returned.
NewPatch = n Patch number to change to, range 0 - 127
CALL ChangePatchTo (NewPatch) Change the patch (voice) currently in use
to New Patch number given. NewPatch variable
is left unchanged after the call.
CALL ReceiveMidiData(Value) Receive any midi data that may be coming
in from synthesizers or keyboards. Several
midi bytes may be sent in succession, so
your routines should be ready to catch all
that are sent. See QBM-DEM2.BAS for more.
CALL OmniModeOn Turn on Omni, where all MIDI data will be
played by all synthesizer channels. No
variables are passed or returned.
CALL OmniModeOff Set Omni Off, where MIDI channel data is
only received by the synthesizer's channel. No
variables are passed or returned.
CALL SetToPolyMode Set multi-voice mode. No variables are passed
or returned.
CALL SetToMonoMode Set to Mono-voice mode. No variables are
passed or returned.
Call up the program titled QBM-DEM1.BAS by using the FILE OPEN command and
view it's contents. This demo program shows a few of the basics and
illustrates how we call the routines from QuickBASIC.
One nice feature within QuickBASIC is its ability to compile your program
to a standalone or runtime .EXE file and use the library you started with.
Since you started QB using the /L QBMIDI command, Quick-BASIC will
automatically use the QBMIDI.LIB (run version of QBMIDI) file when it
compiles your program.
To compile you're program, use Alt select, Run, Make EXE file. Your screen
should resemble the following. Select Make EXE and Exit and QuickBASIC will
compile your program and exit. To run the example below after compile, you
type QBM-DEM1 <Enter>.
File Edit View Search <RUN> Debug Calls Options Help
┌─────────────────────────────── Untitled ──────────────────────────┤├─┐
│ ┌───────────────────────── Make EXE File ───────────────────────┐
│ │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ░
│ │ EXE File Name: │QBM-DEM1.EXE │ │ ░
│ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │ ░
│ │ │ ░
│ │ [ ] Produce Debug Code Produce: │ ░
│ │ ( ) EXE Requiring BRUN45.EXE │ ░
│ │ (X) Stand-Alone EXE File │ ░
│ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ░
│ │ < Make EXE > < Make EXE and Exit > < Cancel > < Help > │ ░
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ░
If you wish a further discussion of linking libraries, we refer you to your
Microsoft documentation.
Please write us about receiving PDS7.x compatible versions of QBMIDI.QLB and
QBMIDI.LIB. We'll also supply QBMIDI.OBJ so you may add the functions to
other libraries you have.
We hope you, like us, enjoy making music and we feel making music with Quick-
BASIC is more fun than writing any other type of program. As you experiment
you may find referring to the MIDI specification helpful or related MIDI
books helpful in understanding what's going on.
We also want you to know about our MUSICIANS VERSION of QBMIDI, that contains
added features such as:
o Independent receive and Transmit over all 16 midi channels
o Record and Playback using the MPU401
o Facilities for MIDI dumps, voice dumps, etc.
o Direct access to transmit and receive MIDI data
o Metronome On/Off
o Tempo adjustment
o Customization to your synth's features
o Superb Printed documentation
o And much more ...
You may order MUSICIANS QBMIDI V2.0 by sending $45.00 cash or
check (we'll pay shipping to you by return mail) with your return address
info to:
PO Box 737
Bountiful, UT 84011-0737
We thank you for trying QBMIDI and hope you find making QB Music as
enjoyable as we have.
Best Regards,